
Face and lift filling

Fleshy lips with significant cheekbones and a prominent jawline... although these features can be our natural look that changes with time or features that we can never have. For whatever reason is you can easily have these features with hyaluronic asid fillers at any time you want.

What is Hyaluronic Asid?

Hyaluronic asid is the main structural substance of our connective tissue. Its main efect is providing lightness, brightness, moisture and tightness of our skin. For understanding the effect you must know that baby skin has the highest amount of hyaluronic asid.

Usage of fillers

  • plumping up the lips and contouring the lips.
  • Uncrumpling the deep glabellar and forehaed lines.
  • Resolving the deep nasolabial lines.
  • Filling the mentum.
  • Structuring the nose.
  • Becoming the cheekbones more apparent.
  • Resoving the undereye dark circles.
  • Constituting a jawline.
  • Making a protruding forehead.
  • Getting rid of the saging on temporal region.

Undereye light filler

Undereye light filler applied for resolving the dark circles under eye that makes the person look tired and depressed. People usually seek a solution for this problem bevause it effects their social life. They want to get rid of the tired, depressed, aged, sleepless image that their undereye circles cause.

In this technique, all problems of undereye can be solved with only a filler.

Undereye light fillers can get rid of the dark circles under eye, lines. If there is no sagging in your undereye even your undereyes are depressed you will have major imporevement with undereye filler. Dark circles will become lighter and older image of the person will become more fresh apparence.

Undereye fillers are placed over the bones. If applied slowly ıt will be more effective. After applying anesthetic cream and cleaning with disinfection solution. Fillers applied with a canula. Procedure lasts to 15-30 minutes. There can be little bruisement after application but resolves after 1-2 days.

People can get back to their daily life immediately.

  • There can be some rash after the procedure that lasts to 3-4 hours.
  • Ice application must be done after the procedure.
  • You must not touch or scrub the application site for one day.
  • You must not have hot bath for one day after the application.
  • You must avoid exessive facial movements for 1-2 days after the procedure.
  • You must avoid heavy exercises for 2 days after the procedure.
  • You must not use cosmetic products except medical team’s offer.

Cheekbone Fillers

Aging cause sagging of the cheekbone. With losing this voluminous cheekbones, person start to look more decadent and faded. With excessive weight loss, sagging in the face can be faster.

Hyaluronic Acid is fully grown in harmony with human skin. It gives vitality to the skin by increasing the water holding capacity in the region. Hyaluronic Acid will be applied to the area before the application of anesthetic cream is provided to provide the necessary comfort. The process is completed in maximum 15 minutes. Make sure the procedure is performed by a qualified medical doctor. It takes a week for the filling to settle down on the skin and shows itself.

Temporal Fillers

It is precisely for these reasons that the temporal filling is one of the face fillings that must be applied regularly and effectively. Hyaluronic acid, which is completely compatible with our face, is used in the temple filling. Anesthetic cream is applied to the area before the procedure. Hyaluronic acid is then injected into the temples with mini injectors.

It is an application that requires serious attention in the region where the temple is filled. Your fill should be commensurate with the cheekbones and be compatible with the composition of the face.

It may take 3-4 days for the temple filling to fully settle. The first week is a contour. The permanence of the temple filling varies depending on the structure of the face, but it is 9-15 months. The process is repeatable.

Jawline (Chin) Fillers

Chin aesthetics is one of the most important areas that affect the image of the face. Because, there is a ratio called percentage gold ratio. For example, the forehead should be one unit and the nose area should be one unit while the lower face should be one unit. If the jaw is too long or short, or if it is ahead or behind, this ratio changes. In recent years, the most preferred aesthetic surgery in the world is nose aesthetics. Jaw aesthetics is one of the most frequently preferred interventions following this immediately.

The most commonly preferred method for jaw aesthetics is jaw filling. In particular, jaw inequalities, asymmetries, or absence of jaw tip prominence may have a negative impact on a person's strong facial structure. The jaw tip needs to be handled separately, especially when evaluated aesthetically. Because, the tip of the chin may change everything from the nose to the other facial components in terms of appearance.

Does filling has side effects?


If you follow the precautions thet mediacl team give you, fillings has no significant side effect.

Does fillings are consistent?

Depending on the person’s individual features hyaluronic asids fillings can last 6-12 months.

Is filling a painful procedure?

The treatment is painless, painless or tolerable.


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