
Prominent ear is just one of congenital deformations. It causes a lack of self confidence in the social life during childhood. The prominent ear problem is detected equally in women and men; and it may be corrected through a small surgery called otoplasty.

Cause, at the age of 4 ear development is %80 complete the most suitable age for having a cosmetic ear surgery is between ages 4-15. However, this operation can be made at all ages. We advice to have this surgery as soon as earlier to protect the child from being bullied in the school. Also this surgery can be combined with other surgeries like cricumcision or adenotonsillectomy. The earlier time that the child gives permission for postoperative care is the most suitable time.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia in younger patients and under local anaesthesia in adults. There is two different techniques for otoplasti. İn the first technique there is no incision or catilage extraction. The prominet ear is corrected with ‘suture otoplasty’. Wiht appropriate surgical sutures the ear deformity is corrected.

In theother technique, a small incision is done on the posterior side of the auricle and the excessive skin is removed to make the ear compatible with general dimensions of the ear. Several sutures are placed onto the incision site and bandage is applied. The bandage is renewed for 2 to 3 weeks. Sutures are removed after 10 days. The procedure lasts about 1 to 2 hours in total.

Discomfort immediately following otoplasty is normal and can be controlled with pain medication. There may be an itchy feeling under bandages, which is normal. It is essential that bandages remain intact and are not removed, for any reason. Failure to do so may result in loss of some of the correction and may require a secondary surgery. It is important to avoid any activity that may bump or dislodge the dressings, and prop yourself up on pillow or in a comfortable armchair to sleep, so that you do not roll onto your side or disrupt the dressings. Bandages are taken of after two days but you are going to wear the dressings for 10 days more. In the third day you can have a shower. You must wait three weeks for swimming in the sea or pool.